Sunday, June 19, 2016


Welcome to "The Wednesday Adventures."
I created this site because I needed a place to connect with my mom-friends and hopefully build a place to encourage any mom who visits it.

I am relatively new at this whole mom thing. My son is twenty months and my daughter is four months. But one thing I have found is that my life as "mommy" is lot of monotony and routine with some wonderful moments thrown in.
The Wednesday Adventures is about looking for those moments. Noticing those moments. Creating them.

I was inspired, in part, by the book Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin. She goes on a journey to bring more happiness to her home. It was a fun read and I really connected with a lot of what she was saying. In one chapter she talks about spending time one on one with her daughter by going on afternoon adventures on Wednesdays. I was inspired because...Wednesday.

Wednesday isn't Friday. It isn't a day that is normally looked forward to. Wednesday isn't Monday. It isn't a day that is loathed. It's Wednesday. Wednesday is just normal, usual. So, let's add some adventure to Wednesdays!

I may not have kids old enough to appreciate alone time with mommy. Heck, they get that a lot.  But maybe, just maybe I can add adventures to my normal regardless. Maybe, just maybe I can start trying to see the possibilities in the mundane.

Life doesn't change much when you are the mommy to young kids. But maybe if we focused more on finding the joy tucked into the routine...interspersed like the glitter on the floor you can't seem to get up after a craft project. Believe me, the possibilities are there...just like the ants that seem to find the crumbs your kids left within thirty seconds.

I'm not going to lie. It's not easy. As I write this, I am having a "day." Oh my, what a day. In all honesty, this site will be a whole lot of preaching to the choir. Because mommas, we need each other. We need to remind each other to find the joy and see the good. We need to be there with hugs and tissues on the bad days. We need to celebrate each other's victories. We need to be each other's voice when we are too tired to talk. We need to find the adventures in our lives. Together, we need to CREATE them.  And we need to remind each other to go on them.

So, let us start this adventure together. Please join us on The Wednesday Adventures! Let's see where we can go, what we can do together!

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